Charities and colonialism

Internal Revenue Service Data

Most recent IRS filings

Note: This data is aggregated from available 990 forms the previous last 10 years IRS filings.

Name State Total PDF Trend
Hebron Fund Inc NY $23,275,411 PDF icon
Jewish National Fund Keren Kayemeth Leisrael Inc NY $1,103,186,638 PDF icon
Friends Of Ir David Inc NY $127,191,315 PDF icon
American Friends Of Ateret Cohanem Inc NY $9,907,565 PDF icon
Central Fund Of Israel NY $329,179,035 PDF icon
Jgive Friends Of Asor Fund Usa Inc N/A $58,219,958 PDF icon
Birthright Israel Foundation NY $874,660,877 PDF icon
Friends Of The Israel Defense Forces NY $964,145,726 PDF icon
American Friends Of Israeli Navy Seals Inc NY $7,496,315 PDF icon
Gush Etzion Foundation MA $4,138,867 PDF icon
American Friends Of Ariel Inc FL $10,834,923 PDF icon
J Street DC $28,495,762 PDF icon
J Street Education Fund Inc DC $70,120,955 PDF icon
One For Israel TX $55,852,748 PDF icon
American Israel Public Affairs Committee DC $918,801,948 PDF icon
American Israel Education Foundation Inc DC $661,058,589 PDF icon
United Israel Appeal Inc NY $1,843,396,951 PDF icon
Jewish Agency For Israel N/A $4,433,488,000 PDF icon
United Israel Appeal Of Canada Inc N/A $570,729,003 PDF icon
Jerusalem Foundation N/A $358,436,619 PDF icon
New Israel Fund NY $327,066,684 PDF icon
Israeli American Council CA $157,671,235 PDF icon
Research Eval Promoting Org Respon & Transparency Report Inc PA $14,897,516 PDF icon
Israel On Campus Coalition DC $70,672,993 PDF icon
Israel Next Generation NY $9,869,778 PDF icon
International Fellowship Of Christians & Jews IL $1,468,296,345 PDF icon
Hillel The Foundation For Jewish Campus Life DC $424,670,966 PDF icon
World Zionist Organization American Section Inc NY $66,252,601 PDF icon
Israel Emergency Alliance CA $148,006,185 PDF icon
Jewish Agency For Israel North American Council NY $198,865,684 PDF icon
Glory Of Zion International Ministries Inc TX $161,042,031 PDF icon
Zionist Organization Of America NY $98,153,898 PDF icon
Hashomer Hatzair Inc NY $5,738,709 PDF icon
Impactisrael Inc MA $88,825,640 PDF icon
Onward Israel Internships And Opportunities Ltd NY $48,619,395 PDF icon
Jewish News Service Inc MA $18,221,288 PDF icon
Itrek Inc NY $59,429,719 PDF icon
B Nai B Rith DC $81,411,752 PDF icon
Joshua Fund IN $62,715,379 PDF icon
Behold Israel CO $30,260,700 PDF icon
The Jewish Institute For National Security Of America DC $49,414,125 PDF icon
Gates Of Zion Inc NJ $20,849,160 PDF icon
Israel Policy Forum Inc NY $24,286,507 PDF icon
Republican Jewish Coalition DC $51,850,887 PDF icon
Zola Levitt Ministries Inc TX $35,292,231 PDF icon
Committee For Accuracy In Middle East Reporting In America Inc MA $52,203,432 PDF icon
Honeymoon Israel Foundation Inc GA $45,728,415 PDF icon
Lawfare Project Inc NY $17,225,340 PDF icon
First Fruits Of Zion Inc MO $29,405,066 PDF icon
International Christian Embassy Jerusalem TN $35,855,462 PDF icon
Bridges For Peace Inc FL $4,361,763 PDF icon
Jh Israel AL $19,081,153 PDF icon
Jewish Community Relations Council Of Greater Washington MD $15,982,913 PDF icon
Fellowship Of Israel Related Ministries Inc CA $16,123,463 PDF icon
Ezra International FL $22,442,882 PDF icon
Maoz Inc TX $43,196,080 PDF icon
One Israel Fund Ltd NY $32,276,169 PDF icon
Foreign Policy Research Institute PA $24,371,188 PDF icon
Midnight Call Inc SC $27,871,503 PDF icon
Rimon Club Inc CA $7,725,062 PDF icon
Lamb And Lion Ministries Inc TX $31,074,020 PDF icon
C4 I America FL $10,204,926 PDF icon
Commentary Inc NY $26,702,551 PDF icon
Christian Friends Of Israeli Communities CO $10,195,775 PDF icon
Israel Experience Tide Inc NY $21,260,401 PDF icon
Friends Of Mayanot Institute Inc NY $23,603,494 PDF icon
The Friends Of The Israel Antiquities Authority Inc NY $27,588,928 PDF icon
Israel America Academic Exchange CA $16,514,130 PDF icon
T Ruah NY $14,993,381 PDF icon
Honest Reporting Com Inc NY $17,348,836 PDF icon
Amf International Inc IL $17,996,805 PDF icon
Messianic Jewish Bible Society Inc CO $17,484,726 PDF icon
Teach For Israel Inc OH $7,225,183 PDF icon
America Israel Friendship League Inc NY $14,956,032 PDF icon
Operation Exodus Usa NY $13,515,820 PDF icon
The World Values Network NJ $13,358,649 PDF icon
Lion And Lamb Ministries Inc OK $14,391,130 PDF icon
Walking The Text TN $3,844,901 PDF icon
Hasbara Fellowships Inc NY $15,150,920 PDF icon
Near East Media VA $2,947,065 PDF icon
Americans For Peace Now Inc DC $16,351,466 PDF icon
University Christian Ministries Inc VA $17,297,412 PDF icon
Center For Israel Education Inc GA $9,547,329 PDF icon
Watch Therefore Ministries Inc TX $7,387,787 PDF icon
Institute For The Study Of Global Anti Semitism And Policy Inc NY $7,849,465 PDF icon
Proclaiming Justice To The Nations Inc TN $9,290,619 PDF icon
Middle East Peace Dialogue Network Inc DE $11,591,530 PDF icon
Hands Of Peace IL $7,379,678 PDF icon
Aliyah Foundation Inc VA $1,072,891 N/A
Messianic Jewish Family Bible Society Inc TX $5,845,946 PDF icon
Us Israel Education Association Inc AL $6,989,797 PDF icon
Friends Of Yashar Lachayal Inc NJ $8,332,839 PDF icon
Better Future For Israel NJ $1,623,181 PDF icon
National Jewish Policy Center DC $6,921,303 PDF icon
American Friends Of Combatants For Peace Inc NY $2,894,131 PDF icon
Israelnow Education Foundation IL $1,776,313 PDF icon
Israel Venture Network CA $5,478,920 PDF icon
Friedman Center For Peace Through Strength Inc FL $2,557,748 PDF icon
International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation Inc DC $12,601,933 PDF icon
Together For Israel Inc NC $6,665,421 PDF icon
The Telos Group Inc VA $12,939,191 PDF icon
Students Supporting Israel MN $4,365,292 PDF icon
Togetherwithisrael IL $11,627,782 PDF icon
Friends Of Itamar Incorporated NY $5,439,132 PDF icon
Jewish Community Relations Bureau Inc KS $3,612,076 PDF icon
American Friends Of Elon Moreh NJ $1,844,571 PDF icon
Israel Firstfruits Inc TX $4,583,919 PDF icon
Ilead Experience Inc NY $1,994,899 PDF icon
Endowment For Middle East Truth MD $5,469,023 PDF icon
Conference Of Presidents Of Major Jewish Organizations NY $6,109,365 PDF icon
American Friends Of Yeshiva High School Of Kiryat Arba Inc NY $4,564,806 PDF icon
Habonim Labor Zionist Youth PA $14,917,885 PDF icon
Global Evangelism MO $3,300,926 PDF icon
Jewish Community Federation Of S F Marin Peninsula & Sonoma Counties CA $1,642,681,081 PDF icon
Jewish Community Foundation Of Greater Metrowest Nj NJ $641,864,435 PDF icon
Jewish Federation Of Greater Atlanta Inc GA $811,459,297 PDF icon
Jewish Community Foundation Of San Diego CA $1,389,394,146 PDF icon
Jewish Year Abroad NJ $2,253,169 PDF icon
Maryland Israel Development Center Inc MD $6,910,546 PDF icon
Christian Friends Of Israel U S A Inc NC $4,132,704 PDF icon
Israeli American Nexus CA $4,036,965 PDF icon
If Not Now Education Fund DC $3,166,729 PDF icon
Helping Israel Fund Inc NJ $3,312,402 PDF icon
American Zionist Movement Inc NY $6,564,043 PDF icon
Americans For A Safe Israel Inc NY $3,565,990 PDF icon
Michael Levin Lone Soldier Foundation Inc NY $5,453,426 PDF icon
Israel Independence Fund FL $5,079,798 PDF icon
Shalom Ministries Inc NY $3,255,589 PDF icon
International Lone Soldiers Inc NY $945,706 PDF icon
Experience Israel Now Inc GA $2,532,779 PDF icon
Ameinu Our People Inc NY $5,865,992 PDF icon
To Be Honest WA $1,231,736 PDF icon
Thirstysouls Ministries Inc PA $3,530,324 PDF icon
American Friends Of Ariel University Inc NY $23,581,718 PDF icon
My Soldier Inc NY $1,356,473 PDF icon
Christian Agency For Israel Usa Inc FL $822,635 PDF icon
Israel Forever Foundation DC $109,550 PDF icon
Israel Today Ministries Inc TX $2,565,744 PDF icon
Connect Israel CA $454,075 PDF icon
Dean Bible Ministries Inc CT $1,312,190 PDF icon
Christian Training Foundation Incorporated WV $3,210,491 PDF icon
Truth For The Nations Inc OK $435,925 N/A
American Values Action VA $1,889,463 PDF icon
Israel Lives Corporation PA $239,845 PDF icon
Genesis 123 Foundation NJ $829,303 PDF icon
The Obed Project Inc NC $2,391,614 PDF icon
American Truth Project Inc CA $739,604 PDF icon
The Arise Foundation TX $3,208,624 PDF icon
Zions Bridge GA $220,136 PDF icon
Touched By Grace Ministries Inc TN $1,667,987 PDF icon
Reconciliation Ministries WA $2,405,072 PDF icon
Baltimore Zionist District Inc MD $2,677,235 PDF icon
Light Of Zion CA $1,503,225 PDF icon
Messianic Ministry To Israel TN $1,878,030 PDF icon
Or Ami Ministries TX $667,853 PDF icon
Partners For Progressive Israel NY $1,917,366 PDF icon
American Friends Of Likud Inc NY $1,595,486 PDF icon
Fuel For Truth Inc NY $271,964 PDF icon
Jewish End Time Ministries Inc GA $558,262 PDF icon
Israel Christian Nexus CA $814,645 PDF icon
Christian Friends Of Israel America IL $2,622,334 PDF icon
Kingdom Acts Ministries International TX $1,149,931 PDF icon
Chayal El Chayal Inc CA $1,133,378 PDF icon
Creating Friendships For Peace Inc NH $1,592,732 PDF icon
Allen Family Minstries Inc CO $370,761 PDF icon

About this data

This data reflects aggregate figures from the last ten years of Internal Revenu Service filings of nonprofit entities whose institutions advance zionism, as such, supports the existence of the Israeli state as a settler colonial project — a project which is explicitly contingent on the erasure of the indigenous erasure.

Understanding the historical context is crucial. Capitalism has historically exploited charitable institutions to advance colonial agendas. Churches, for instance, played a significant role in colonization globally, from Africa to Latin America. European missionaries, funded by churchgoers' donations, established missions that served as colonial outposts. These missions not only spread Christianity but also facilitated European control over indigenous lands and resources. The London Missionary Society's efforts in South Africa, for example, paved the way for British colonization. Similarly, Catholic missions in the Congo were integral to Belgium's brutal colonial regime.

In the present day, 501(c)(3) nonprofit structures in the United States have become tools for the wealthy to shape policy, launder money, and finance right wing groups. These tax-exempt organizations provide a means for the affluent to direct substantial funds into causes that uphold their interests. By exploiting these tax exemptions, wealthy donors can advocate for policies that perpetuate systemic inequalities and support ideologies aligned with their agenda, all while reaping tax benefits.

In response to these injustices, Palestinian communities have taken a stand with the Campaign to Defund Racism. This initiative is a call to action, targeting the policies that sustain unjust structures. It has brought together Palestinian individuals, villages, and organizations from the South Hebron Hills, the Jordan Valley, East Jerusalem, the Galilee, and the Naqab, uniting them in a common cause.

Organizations like Ateret Cohanim, Elad, Israel Land Fund, and Regavim, founded in Israel and part of the settler movement, are fiscally sponsored by charities registered in New York. Friends of Ateret Cohanim, Friends of Ir David, the One Israel Fund, the Central Fund of Israel, and the Israel Independence Fund leverage their 501(c)(3) status to fund settler colonialism in Palestine. Their use of charitable status and/or fiscal sponsorship enables them to receive tax-deductible donations from the U.S. and funnel them abroad despite their actions violating IRS guidelines. These organizations have a history of displacing Palestinian communities to develop Israeli settlements, generally targeting the most vulnerable populations.

The campaign's primary goal is to create a legal precedent, defining financial support for oppression, displacement, and colonization of Palestinian lands as incompatible with charitable regulations. Although past complaints against organizations like the Central Fund of Israel have been dealt with behind closed doors by the IRS, the current campaign focuses on elected officials who can change how these charities operate. For example, the New York State Attorney General oversees registered charities and is being called upon to dissolve these organizations — or at the very least, the possibility of sending them tax-deductible donations through fiscal sponsorship. This approach leverages the accountability of elected officials to their constituents, who prioritize justice and reject colonization.

Cutting off financial support to organizations like Ateret Cohanim, Elad, Israel Land Fund, Regavim, and others is crucial for creating structural changes that benefit oppressed people locally and globally. The campaign aims to make tangible wins for justice movements by redefining charitable works.

The data aggregation for this campaign is built on ProPublica's API, which curates data from IRS returns based on 990 forms. This ensures the validity of the data used for visualizations and advocacy efforts, making it a reliable resource for combating the lies of imperialism.

The total combined revenue over the last 10 years is $21,732,861,261.

[ Note: This list isn't fully comphrehnsive, but rather, represents a small portion of money that regulated by the US nonprofit system. For a better understanding of zionism and anti-zionism, please read this criticl piece. ]