Category | Total | Daily Avg | 90-day Avg | Trend |
Total Killed | 895 | 1.67 | 1.16 | |
Total Children Killed | 181 | 0.34 | 0.18 | |
Total Injured | 7,580 | 14.12 | 8.54 | |
Total Children Injured | 1,333 | 2.48 | 1.61 | |
Total Settler Attacks | 2,019 | 3.76 | 3.03 | |
Since October 7, 2023, Israel has tightened restrictions of many kinds in and around the West Bank and East Jerusalem, intensifying raids, home demolitions, arbitrary arrests, and assassination — particularly where there are independent resistance formations in Jenin, Nablus, and Tulkarem. As such, these aggregated figures begin from October 7, 2023. The Daily Avg is the average of the entire data set, calculated from const 10.07.2023to 03.26.2025. Similarly, the 90-day Avg represents the daily average between12.26.2024and 03.26.2025.
We built these charts and downloadable spreadsheets with the Tech for Palestine data repo, which leverages data from the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).
Despite attempts to undermine OCHA, it is a reputable agency known for its comprehensive data collection — considered reputably mainly because it is organized and curated by Palestinians on the ground. As such, UN OCHA’s database provides critical resources to help assess the magnitude and momentum of Israel's program of indigenous erasure. Despite attempts by Israeli politicians and other reactionary formations to delegitimize OCHA for political reasons, the agency's data collection efforts continue, and remain indispensable. It is worth noting that even Israel's security apparatus and intelligence services rely on OCHA's assessments, underscoring the acceptance of the accuracy and reliability of the information collected. The politicization of data and information, and the use of disinformation are central features of settler-colonialism, as they are a form of knowledge production, and help to shape public perception and therefore policy.
As Israel systematically destroys hospitals, kills aid workers and journalists, and imprisons political figures and administrators in Gaza, the corresponding data are in constant flux as a result of the people and institutions built to collate, verify, and analyze this information — all while living under a constant military siege. Despite this data being in flux at times — later to be verified — it provides a reliable baseline of critical information. It allows for a deeper understanding of the impact of zionism as a settler colonial program. This program is designed, in part, to eliminate, erase, and ultimately replace the indigenous Palestinian population, and the systematic documentation of incidents and patterns helps to shed light on these ongoing processes.
While we utilize this comprehensive and accessible data repo, built by Tech for Palestine, which makes use of OCHA data, it is important to note that we take full responsibility for the computations and accompanying analysis.