Data set for 03.27.2024 to 03.27.2025
Category | Total | 5-day avg | 90-day avg | Trend |
Settler attacks | 2328 | 5.60 | 5.80 | |
Road closures | 3962 | 48.20 | 39.84 | |
Arrests | 9015 | 41.40 | 29.40 | |
Confiscation of property | 370 | 1.50 | 1.95 | |
Destruction of property | 924 | 3.20 | 4.03 | |
Temporary checkpoints | 4883 | 10.40 | 10.62 | |
Invasions | 15427 | 52.40 | 47.96 | |
This data set represents the small subsection of Israeli settler-colonial violence that is documented and reported. These figures only information from only the West Bank and East Jerusalem and do not account for the colonial violence enacted upon Palestinians who live within the territories occupied since 1948.
The Total amount in the first column reflects the aggregate of a single day on the date of 03.27.2025. The 5-day average represents the average of the last five days, as the 90-day average represents the average of the previous 90 days. The Trend represents the trajectory from 03.27.2024 to 03.27.2025.