
Settler organizations here have long targeted the Good Shepherd Collective because of our call to restrict their charitable fund in the United States.

November 28, 2023 · 1 min reading

Settler colonialism relies on violence to displace and eliminate indigenous communities.


Settler colonialism relies on violence to displace and eliminate indigenous communities.


By Cody O'Rourke

We need you moving forward

Dear friends,

Like other Palestinian organizations in Palestine, we, too, have been the target of zionist campaigns. Yesterday, we were informed by our donation platform, Square Payments, that we could no longer use their services. Settler organizations here have long targeted the Good Shepherd Collective because of our call to restrict their charitable fund in the United States.

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As a result of this deplatforming, we have lost our recurring donations. This means we have lost the vast majority our monthly revenue to keep our work going. This is the third time groups have targeted us since we started five years ago. We have, however, set up a temporary way to donate. At this challenging moment, we ask for your support while we rebuild our donation system and base.

You can express your solidarity here with a donation.

In solidarity, Cody