01.22.2024 · 2 min reading time

Demolition Report | Ethnic cleansing in the West Bank

This weekly update covers developments in Gaza with the ongoing genocide, as well as data from Israeli state and settler violence in the West Bank and East Jerusalem

January 22, 2024 · 2 min reading

Data set for 03.18.2024 to 01.22.2024

Category Total 5-day avg 30-day avg Trend
Total Incidents 568
Structures 1834
Displaced People 4229
Men Displaced 1252
Women Displaced 1223
Children Displaced 1760


This data set runs from 03.18.2024 to 01.22.2024, with the 90 day demarcation being 10.24.2023 and the 10 day mark being set at 01.12.2024. This data is for the last 365 days, not Year-to-Date. As the data points out, across Jerusalem and the West Bank, displacement has been trending upwards. This, of course, is by design.

This data only reflects administrative home demolitions in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. This doesn't include the mass demolitions of homes in the Gaza Strip, or in places like the Naqab or the Galilee.


By Cody O'Rourke

Israel's blanket bombing of densely populated areas in Gaza has destroyed over 65,000 homes and has forced over 1.7 million Gazans into tents during the cold, rainy months. There is little left of Gaza. And while all eyes are on the ongoing genocide inside the Gaza Strip, it's critical to remember that Israel's program of indigenous erasure also extends across all of historic Palestine. Between October 7, 2023, and January 21, 2024, Israeli state- sanctioned violence has displaced some 198 Palestinian households, comprising 1,208 individuals, including 586 children, as a result of settler violence and access restrictions across the West Bank. These affected households come from at least 15 herding and Bedouin communities. A significant portion of these displacements, more than half, occurred on three specific dates: October 12th, 15th, and 28th, impacting seven communities and affecting a total of 1,539 people, including 756 children. This is a critical reminder that Israel's mechanisms of ethnic cleansing are not a policy response to "Hamas," nor is it contained to the small, isolated enclave of the Gaza Strip. Furthermore, from October 7, 2023, to January 21, 2024, through Israel's methodical administrative home demolitions, a total of 479 Palestinians, including 239 children, faced displacement due to the Israeli state destroying their homes. In addition, punitive demolitions have resulted in the destruction of 19 homes and the displacement of 95 Palestinians, including 42 children, between October 7, 2023, and January 20, 2024. These figures surpass the numbers reported during the first nine months of 2023 when 16 homes were subjected to punitive demolitions, which displaced 78 individuals. This graph shows only the administrative home demolitions in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and doesn't reflect the mass demolitions across the Naqab, the Galilee, or Gaza.