Update Palestine
Will the P.A. finally fall? Anti-zionist discourse and more!
In this update you'll find critical analysis on the role of the Palestinian Authority, anti-zionist praxis and more.
December 17, 2024 · 4 min reading
Palestinians continue to invest in the future, not just through cultivating the lands, but in developing resources of decolonial praxis.

Palestinians continue to invest in the future, not just through cultivating the lands, but in developing resources of decolonial praxis.
Dear friends,
During these especially dark and uncertain times, in which we are fighting against genocide and for a more just world, something that can help us recenter ourselves and plod onwards is the act of returning to the knowledge and wisdom of others. Not only does this help us boost our understanding of the world around us, but it can also remind us of our principles, our direction, and most importantly remind us of the hope we must have in order to keep going. Therefore, I’d like to share with you a few of GSC’s recent activities and resources that might be a helpful toolbox for you and others.
Just yesterday, two of our amazing members published a new piece on the role of the Palestinian Authority (PA) in this moment, and the ongoing efforts to prioritize its continuation over the welfare of Palestinian people. Ameed Faleh and Bana Abu Zuluf worked hard to bring this essential critical perspective to an international audience, translating a local experience that is often obscured by the PA’s acceptance in international circles. While many understand the contradictions of the PA’s role as a subcontractor to Israel’s colonization of Palestine, they may also need more information about the internal discussions regarding the PA’s maneuvers, which serve to sell out Palestinian sovereignty rather than move us closer to decolonization and justice.
Abu Zuluf and Faleh write, “[the PA’s] role in the West Bank has become one of containment and counterinsurgency, a betrayal that fuels widespread anger among Palestinians. Now, with the unprecedented destruction in Gaza, the PA sees an opportunity to position itself as central to the strip’s future governance—but this is less a strategy for unity and more a desperate bid for relevance.” Read the full article here.
This article provides a local view of the situation in the West Bank and the concern over Gaza’s future, while other recent regional developments in Lebanon and Syria have also sparked confusion and debate among many in solidarity. In response to the discussions following the toppling of Assad’s regime and the various forces vying for control over Syria and its future — including Israel’s immediate bombing campaign, invasion, and land grab attempt — we have curated a list of resources that provides analysis and historical background for the developing situation. These podcasts and articles offer insight into anti-imperialist perspectives on the US-Israel relationship and war against the people across the region.
In a similar international theme, Bana and I were recently interviewed on the Minyan podcast, and the episode was just released today as well. We discuss some similarities and differences between colonial domination in Ireland and Palestine, as well as the history and struggle we share. You can find that episode here.
Cody, another member of the collective, and Bana were also interviewed on a recently published episode of East is a Podcast, which you can find here.
I wholeheartedly recommend that folks engage with these podcasts, their hosts and guests, and the authors we’ve included in the curated list of resources above beyond the short list we’ve provided. They are all excellent sources of knowledge across a wide range of topics, and make it easy for everyone to learn new things while seeing the connection between our struggles.
As we find the strength to continue with our contributions of throwing sand in the genocide machine wherever we are, whoever we are, and however we can, we lean on each other and everyone’s unique expertise to discern how to best move toward a better future. GSC is organizing a speaking tour (both to share our knowledge and connect with others to learn from them) over the next year, but we need your help to make this happen. We’ve secured about half of the funding we need, but we are fundraising to reach the remaining $20,000 in costs. You can help us by signing up to make a monthly donation or give a one-time contribution here.
As always, thanks a million for your support and for reading this email.
Until liberation and return,
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