
Based in Palestine, the Good Shepherd Collective is committed to resisting injustice and dismantling the structures of settler-colonialism. We challenge existing political formations and help to usher in new emergent groups to confront liberal thought and praxis. Rejecting neoliberal identity politics, we prioritize decolonial and anti-zionist critique. Our mission is to shatter oppressive systems and fight for the true liberation and justice of Palestinians.

Resisting Injustice and Dismantling Settler-Colonialism

Good Shepherd Collective’s work towards liberation is rooted in the grassroots struggle within Palestine. Like other Indigenous movements resisting imperialism, it seeks to reclaim the material and political resources to self-govern.

Our Approach

  • Anti-zionist: Any lasting work has to be anchored in decolonial thought. We see antizionism as decolonization.

  • Community Mobilization: Using direct action and grassroots organizing, we work within our communities to build powerful networks of resistance and solidarity for Palestinian liberation.

  • Campaigns & Actions: We organize and execute high-impact, disruptive campaigns and actions that directly challenge settler-colonialism and neoliberal identity politics, amplifying Palestinian voices.

Our modes of advocacy

  • Political Resistance: Work within and beyond existing political formations to support and create new emergent groups that directly confront oppressive power structures.

  • Liberatory Education: We develop and promote radical educational programs that center decolonial and anti-zionist critiques, raising consciousness and empowering action.

  • Grassroots Organizing: Foster grassroots organizing and coalition-building to create a unified, radical front against settler colonialism and for Palestinian liberation.