Decolonial Analysis

We understand colonialism as an essential extension of capitalism. Therefore, any expression of decolonial thought must be anti-capitalist. In Palestine, this first involves liberating the land from colonial rule, which has been manifested through Zionist structures both within the Israeli state and abroad, as well as the formal Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian capitalist class.

Decolonial analysis

What this means

  • Keeping Palestinians on their land: Ensuring that Palestinians have secure and continuous access to their ancestral lands, resisting displacement, and promoting the return of displaced Palestinians.

  • Making donors be political: Encouraging donors to recognize the political dimensions of their contributions and to support initiatives that align with anti-colonial and anti-capitalist principles.

  • Defining liberation: Articulating a vision of liberation that includes dismantling capitalist and colonial structures, returning the land back to the indigenous peoples, and promoting a socialist future for a free and independent Palestine.

How we do this

  • Webinars & podcasts: Hosting educational sessions and discussions that spread awareness through own lived experience resisting zionist settler-colonalism, as well what we’ve learned through studies of other liberation movements.

  • Guest lecturing: Participating in academic and community settings to provide expert analysis and insights on the intersections of colonialism, capitalism, and Palestinian resistance.

  • Op-Eds: Writing opinion pieces for various media outlets to influence public discourse and advocate for decolonial and anti-capitalist approaches to Palestinian freedom through justice.