Protective Presence

Returning the land and resources to the indigenous people in a way that is decoupled from capitalism is the ultimate goal of antizionist organizing. As such, the collaboration between Palestinians and international volunteers to harvest olives and protect their lands from settlers is vital for several reasons. First, it helps to keep them on the land. This cooperation ensures the preservation of a critical source of livelihood for Palestinian families, as olive farming is a significant economic and cultural activity in the region. Additionally, it fosters a sense of solidarity and global awareness about the challenges faced by Palestinian communities under occupation. The presence of international volunteers can help deter violent actions from settlers, providing a safer environment for the farmers. This united effort not only supports the immediate economic needs but also reinforces the broader struggle for land rights, justice, and peace in the region.

Remaining on the land

Why this is important

Ensuring that Palestinians remain on their land is crucial for preserving their culture, economy, and identity. It also sends a powerful message against the forces of displacement and colonization.

Physically present

  • Olive harvests: Organizing and participating in the annual olive harvest to support Palestinian farmers, safeguard their crops, and maintain their connection to the land.

  • During threats of demolition: Providing a protective presence when Palestinian homes and structures are threatened with demolition, helping to resist and draw international attention to these injustices.

  • Heightened settler activities: Being on the ground to deter and document increased settler violence and harassment, ensuring Palestinian communities are not isolated and can continue their daily lives with reduced fear.


  • Volunteer: Join us on the ground to provide a physical presence that supports Palestinian families and communities facing threats.

  • Defund Racism: Disrupt the international charities funding the colonial movement by changing the laws that empower them.

  • Donate: Contribute financially to support our efforts in maintaining a protective presence, organizing solidarity activities, and providing resources for Palestinian communities.