Political Tours

Coming to Palestine and learning about the realities on the ground can be an important step in deepening your solidarity and heightening your political analysis.

Our Approach

  • Experience: Lived experience is vital and can depend on our understanding of how colonial violence is enacted through law and culture. Being with Palestinian organizers in Palestine provides a deeper understanding of the day-to-day realities of settler colonialism and the resilience of the Palestinian people.

  • Relationships: Building relationships with Palestinian organizers and communities is essential. These connections foster solidarity, mutual understanding, and long-term support for freedom through decolonial struggle.

  • Urgency: How dire the situation is in Palestine cannot be overstated. With the unrelenting violence of the state and the constant threat of displacement, it is vital to witness these realities to understand the immediacy and gravity of the situation.

  • The design: Understanding the geography, settlements, and divisions of areas A, B, and C under the Oslo Accords, as well as the discriminatory laws, reveals the deliberate design of colonial systems. This insight is critical for comprehending the structural aspects of indigenous erasure.

  • The intent: Settler colonialism in Palestine advances capitalist interests. By examining how colonial practices bolster economic exploitation, participants can better grasp the interconnectedness of colonialism and capitalism.