Settler attack leaves cameras broken

Because of their routine documentation of Israeli human rights violations, the Human Rights Defenders in Hebron have been the target of harassment and attacks from Israeli soldiers and the Israeli settler community. Recently, due to a violent attack by settlers, several of their cameras have been destroyed.

“Because we shine a light on the horrors of the Israeli occupation, the Israeli settlers and military want to punish us. When we are working in Hebron, we are always under threat, and the recent attack that broke our cameras is just one example,” said Badia Dweik, Executive Director of the Human Rights Defenders. “Our work is crucial. For example, Human Rights Defender Emad Abu Shamsiyah filmed Israeli soldier Elor Azaria’s extrajudicial killing of a Palestinian in Tel Rumeida. We need to replace our cameras so we can continue to document. This is even more crucial now that international groups like the EAPPI, ISM, and TIPH are no longer in Hebron. Now it is us up to just a few Palestinians to take the lead.”

Stand in solidarity
The Human Rights Defenders are absolutely essential in maintaining a presence on the ground to document Israeli human rights abuses. It’s crucial we continue to be in solidarity and ensure we raise the money to replace their equipment.</span.

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